New Zealand 2001 Trip

scenery near auckland new zealand

Our trip through New Zealand took place from 11 May - 04 June, 2001. We were blown away by the natural beauty of these islands, and the friendliness of the people.

Photographically, this was the first time we used our brand new digital camera. This was a Sony Mavica, remembered as the camera that wrote its images to a floppy disk. We packed a bunch of disks with us, and reviewed the photos on the camera. Unfortunately, we did not have a laptop with us, so there was no way to copy or transcribe the photos. We now (2019) have, of course, thumb drives, DVD's, phones, and the "cloud" for backup. Not so in 2001. Also, in order to save floppy disk space, the pictures were not taken in "full" quality and size, sorry to say. The camera also created a "thumbnail" or "email sized" photo with each larger picture.

Our visit to New Zealand was the culmination of a long-standing desire to visit the Southern Hemisphere. Yes, we really wanted to know if water truly goes down the drain clockwise as predicted by the Coriolis Effect (it does!)

In those three weeks we took more than 400 digital "photos", and would be happy to share a select subset of them with you. Please use our New Zealand Map selector to continue...

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Updated 15 October 2019